Marina Boltovskoy
Marina Boltovskoy, plastic artist and psychoanalyst, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
She began her studies as a plastic artist, in her teens, at Fine Arts (UNLP). After training and practicing as a psychoanalyst, she resumed her painting studies in the workshops of Andres Zerneri, Silvia Flichman and Juan Doffo and began her training in art curatorship.
She is inspired by the organic shapes and sensuality of Art Nouveau and resorts to psychic automatism as a creative mechanism in the initial process of developing her works.
He starts them with collage of papers and then intervene on them with different materials, seeking order in the disorder and chaos, with the purpose of reflecting on the discourse contemporary. Through his paintings he questions the coexistence and intertwining of two spaces. The diversity of the postmodern world symbolized by the superposition of various pictorial forms and materials. The chaos, the fragmentation, the speed, the constant change, the light, the excess of information, the contradiction, the gears that are its own. And as a counterpoint, the spaces of flat colors, the voids; that refer to silence, to the intimate, the interior, what remains.